

                     "We can touch each other in so many ways,                  throughout the nights and the days.                  You don't have to be near,                  as our love travels through the air" I have heard more than one real life case where someone passes and they are only discovered some days  later on. This is due to the fact that they lived alone and also largely went unnoticed. So many thoughts cross my mind whenever I hear of this. You wonder who were their loved ones. Were those who cared  about them far away? The most unsettling thought is that they may not have had anyone who truly cared for  them. I recall reading an article where it detailed that the man lived alone, ate alone, slept alone, and died  alone. This was all to solidify the point that loneliness can kill us. This also had me pondering if we can show love from a distance and if this distant love could ease  someone's feelings of loneliness. With the advent of technology that a

Starting Over

If only we could start over, the sky would always be blue and our love would always be true.      So many of us wish for a "do over." We wish we could step back into time and do some things differently. We don't like some of the results we have now so we want to go back and change our answers. We may find ourselves asking the question: What could I have done differently with the  same tools or opportunities that I had then? Now more than ever I understand why we sometimes think like this although it may be entirely fruitless to do so. After all we can't change the past, what is done is done. However, it may help us to find peace with our decisions if we turn them inside out, analyze them and determine why we made them. This could help us to make less choices that we will regret later on.      Getting older certainly can play some tricks on our mind. It has made me think more and more about when I was younger. This, of course, has me question

Reflections and Renewals

     It's a new year, so that means it's time to reflect on the past year and have hopes for the new year. When I really stop to think about it,  I think I had a good year for most part. I don't know if I should mention the scandalous part first or save it for last.  I probably shouldn't describe it as being "scandalous" as it's nothing out of the ordinary. It's just another story of girl meeting boy, and they end up having amazing sex. I might as well continue talking about it, so here we go. It's one of those cases where you meet someone when you were not looking to meet someone. It just happened and you immediately feel a connection, an attraction. You start doing things together until it progresses into the bedroom.  Then you discover that he's a badass in bed. He doesn't hold back. He makes all your senses come alive while helping to relieve the stress of work and school (college).  I hope I said that without sayin


"There's darkness and light, sunshine and rain. Nothing remains the same."      Life is a battle in itself. Every day we fight for or against something or even someone. As soon as  we cross one river, there's another to cross. This is why we can often feel like throwing our hands up  and just give up or give in. The light at the end of the tunnel may be taking too long to appear.  That's when we feel like it's all too much and we just can't be bothered anymore. However, when that  wave of hopelessness crashes into us, that's when we have to become a skilled survivor, ride it out  and come out on top.      We have to remember that nothing remains the same, after the darkest night, the sun still appears. When we keep on fighting that's when we get rewarded for not giving up. But we have to believe that things can change for us. When we embed hope in our heart, the light appears.  I went through some  very diff

What can we truly believe in?

"A belief can either save us or destroy us."      Human history shows that we have always felt the need to believe in something or someone.  We have certainly have some rather strange beliefs which warrant some SMH moments.  Even to this day some people have some wacky beliefs in which they remain steadfast.  Maybe doing so helps to  escape harsh realities.  There are countless songs that express the need to believe in love itself or a  lover, and to believe in ourselves and our dreams.      However, in these chaotic times, what can we truly believe in?  What can we hold onto comes what may?  I would love to hear what people would say in response to these questions.  I know many would give a response based on their religious beliefs.  That's okay.  We may not all have fervent religious beliefs but we understand that others do.  Some would immediately think about their love for and belief in their family.  I think most, if not all, of us can

History: It is present

"The more things change, the more they remain the same."      I love history.  I love to read it and I love to think about it.  I somehow feel very connected to the  past.  I think about my ancestors and what their daily lives were like.  I think about things they may  have said and how they might have felt.  I know they must have been strong and determined.   Sometimes I may just hear a current news story which makes me start to think of a historical event.  I do like to put things into historical context as it makes me see how the past still affects the present.     One such example of this is when I heard the news of Prince Harry's engagement to Meghan Markle. Someone mentioned how a biracial woman is marrying into British royalty.  They also stated how an  American woman is marrying a wealthy European man.  Immediately, I thought about a story  about New Orleans back in the 1800s.  That article exposed the social event where rich E

Fresh Start and Second Chances

"We need renewals to feel alive again after a period of drought."       It sure can look bleak at times when we look out on the landscape of life.  Dreams have been dashed and hope has faded like ink on an old piece of paper.  We resign ourselves to fate and say that "it just isn't in the cards for me."  Of course, we can't always get what we want but there are just some things that we need.  That burning desire isn't just a want but is something we need to accomplish.  It is  imprinted on our soul.  It could be a career or a relationship goal.  Whatever it is, we often give up when it doesn't happen within a certain time frame.  We see it happening for others and think, why not  me?  The problem with that is that we never know what's coming down the pipeline for us and we also don't know when the universe considers it the right time to give us what we desire.      Recently, a second chance came my way tha